Tag: self-discovery

  • To my beloved Grandfather

    My knees were hurting me for weeks… Now that you are gone all I can think about is how you used to say, “I got old legs…” I don’t really drink anymore, but recently we went to the liquor store and they put all the bottles into paper bags. It makes me think of your…

  • Caterpillars

    Metamorphosis. I dreamt that caterpillars were crawling around in my mouth. Crawling. But … sticky. Their little legs like suction cups all over my throat and inside my mouth on my tongue. I am deeply sitting with this. Feeling like these creatures of metamorphosis were invading my sacred space. My mouth and throat where I…

  • Liberation

    What happens when I just want to break the seal? Rip the lid off the secrets? Reveal the secrets of my heart and my life that have been eating away at me. I feel pressure. I want to feel liberated. I want to liberate my truth. No one has asked or invited, but I feel…

  • Excitement

    I don’t know man… I am feeling excited for this Pluto in Aquarius transit. I really am. I wasn’t sure about it at first but the more I sit with it the more I am looking forward to what it might bring to the surface for me. Here’s my process of going through it right……

  • Relief

    I made a commitment back in the middle of December. To show up for 100 days to my practices. These practices include writing on here, creating podcast episodes and updating my website. Friday will be my 100th day. I am relieved. I did it. I didn’t do it perfectly. I didn’t show up for all…

  • Distress

    My ears have been ringing for 3.5 years now. I am still not sure if they were injured or if I am in distress. I feel it’s a bit of both. So I have been doing some things for myself to soothe the symptoms of it. Lately though, it has gotten quite loud. It seems…

  • Legacy

    This feels like… something I want to keep a running list of. Questions for building and remembering and documenting Legacy. Question: What are yours? I’d love to know. It is my desire and intention to return to this and continue adding to it. And one day to be able to ask and record answers to…

  • Settling

    The days are settling. I don’t really have any feelings of not wanting to do any of them. I used to have that feeling quite a lot. It feels really good to realize this. And it’s not because every day is so great and nice all the time. Each day feels filled with ease and…

  • Days off

    Some days my body wants to shut off from everything. Some days I am able to and some days I still have things to do. What I am finding is that on the days where I am able to, I somehow still try to keep myself running and buzzing. I’ll settle in to do something…

  • Touch

    It amazes me when I realize how important something is to me and how important it has always been andddd how I have learned to ignore it over time. Touch is one of those things for me. I am extremely sensitive to touch. If I touch things I don’t want to be touching it makes…