Tag: life

  • My mind is always reeling

    My mind is always reeling

    Busy busy busy. I’m a busy bee. The routine is back! September is here and the routine is here to stay now. And I’m thinking. My mind is reeling. Now I’m not sure if I’ve used that word correctly but it reminds me of a movie reel like they use in the theaters. It just…

  • What do you want to get out of today?

    What do you want to get out of today?

    Yesterday I had my second radio interview this summer. This time, it was about the company I work for. The interview was with a pretty popular Irish radio station. You can see the name up there if you really want to know what it is =) It was a great experience for sure, I loved…

  • I love my bike!

    Dublin is such a lovely city. It really really is. So metropolitan in it’s own ways, but in other ways it is still so unique and unlike any other place in the world. It holds a special place in my heart and really feels like home to me. One thing I love about it is…

  • Why is my body doing this?

    Why is my body doing this?

    SAY WHAT? Why is my body doing this?! We only have one body and we are supposed to take care of it. I believe in that wholeheartedly. But sometimes I feel like my body is trying to kill me or something! It’s like it is attacking me half the time or… even better… it’s like…

  • When life gives you lemons and what not

    My goooddddnessssssssss I think I hit stone bottom yesterday. You know, the smaller less mean and horrible younger brother of rock bottom. I really do think that. I was feeling awful about my job and about my life. And why ?! That directionless feeling crept back in… You know the feeling I mentioned before? The…

  • A big kid trapped in a little kid’s body

    In a reversal of Big, the Tom Hanks classic from the 80s, your adult self is suddenly locked in the body of a 12-year-old kid. How do you survive your first day back in school? It’s simple. That’s how I feel now. But I would eat a LOT more ice cream. And the amount of pizza that I…

  • Passions are what define our lives.

    Passions are what define our lives.

    I read that somewhere… that title up there. The entire sentence actually reads “passions are what define our lives, not professions”. I feel very strongly about this. I also use my passions to guide my life and I’m not ashamed of that at all. What is hard for me is that I still need to…

  • No pain, no gain… KNOW pain KNOW gain

    The Daily Post yesterday (I know it’s daily but the time difference gets me sometimes) asked us to think about ‘no pain no gain’ and if you can attain greatness without hardship. Welllllll it turns out my mind is flooded now since I read this prompt. First I will refer you to my post: Is…

  • 7 Habits of Incredibly Happy People

    7 Habits of Incredibly Happy People

    Another good one 🙂

  • Where’s the ‘me time’

    Why do I always feel like I need to be connected? I enjoy having me time. I really do. Or do I? The second that phone beeps or I have a thought about someone it leads me to Facebook. I probably unlock my phone about 400 times a day and maybeeee… maaayybeee 20 times there…