Tag: faith

  • Who says you can’t do that?

    Did you know today is Blog Action Day? Join bloggers from around the world and write a post about what inequality means to you. Have you ever encountered it in your daily life? Quite simply it means this- Joe has 5 apples and Paul has 3. So that is inequality. Joe has more apples- most would…

  • An extra hour to … SLEEP?!

    Good news — another hour has just been added to every 24-hour day (don’t ask us how. We have powers). How do you use those extra sixty minutes? Nooooo… I thought about it. But no. After my last rant it makes sense that if I had an extra hour in each day that I would just…

  • I have so much to say

    I have so much to say

    I just have so much to say. I am feeling super reflective lately because I am finally realizing just how much I love the life I have made here in Dublin. I’ve always loved it here… but mannnn this is unbelievable. I am also extremely happy that I have finally found a place and a…

  • Let your thoughts flow.

    Our free-write is back by popular demand: today, write about anything — but you must write for exactly ten minutes, no more, no less. What did I get myself into? I have been running around like a madwoman all week! This week was auditions for UCD Dance Society and they asked me to teach the hip…

  • You are so beautiful to meeeeeee

    You are so beautiful to meeeeeee

    We’ve all heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Do you agree? Is all beauty contingent on a subjective point of view? In short: Absolutely. So what’s the full story? Well let me just start with that photo up there ^. To most- that view is beautiful, to some- that girl is…

  • Passions are what define our lives.

    Passions are what define our lives.

    I read that somewhere… that title up there. The entire sentence actually reads “passions are what define our lives, not professions”. I feel very strongly about this. I also use my passions to guide my life and I’m not ashamed of that at all. What is hard for me is that I still need to…

  • The way I see the world

    Thank you Write With Warnimount for speaking the ABSOLUTE truth. Why is this a minority view? Why. I have sworn for years that I just don’t see the world the same way everyone else does. But it’s nice to know that there are some people in my corner. Mr. Joe Warnimount speaks up about 5 things we…