Tag: postaday

  • I cry for everything. It’s that simple.

    Do movies, songs, or other forms of artistic expression easily make you cry? Tell us about a recent tear-jerking experience! Soooo yeah… I love people. I love happy endings, I love love and I love romance. I love cute things and little things and quirky things. My people-o-meter is off the scallleeeeeee. Lots of movies, tv shows, videos,…

  • A big kid trapped in a little kid’s body

    In a reversal of Big, the Tom Hanks classic from the 80s, your adult self is suddenly locked in the body of a 12-year-old kid. How do you survive your first day back in school? It’s simple. That’s how I feel now. But I would eat a LOT more ice cream. And the amount of pizza that I…

  • No pain, no gain… KNOW pain KNOW gain

    The Daily Post yesterday (I know it’s daily but the time difference gets me sometimes) asked us to think about ‘no pain no gain’ and if you can attain greatness without hardship. Welllllll it turns out my mind is flooded now since I read this prompt. First I will refer you to my post: Is…

  • LOL On Dublin Bus Yesterday… serious LOLs.

    Sometimes life is funny. I was sitting on the bus minding my own business and these two guys were sitting a few rows behind me, minding their own business. They were minding it but they certainly were not keeping it to themselves. I could hear, very clearly, every single word of their conversation. They complained…

  • September brings…

    September brings…

    This will be the second September in my short life that I will not be returning to school. It feels weird but I have to say, September still brings the same kind of feelings regardless of what’s going on in my life.  September brings a sense of seriousness but not in a bad way. A…

  • You Lift My Heart up, when the rest of me is down

    You life my heart up, when the rest of me is down, she said to me. How could it be? What does that even mean? Well it carries a lot of weight. And a lot of responsibility. The best thing is that when it’s true, it’s one of the most amazing feelings in the world.…