Tag: personal

  • I’ve been cooking up a storm!

    OH mannnnnnnn have I been cooking up a storm. Since #whatididforlove is over with now, I’ve been spending a lot of time hanging around the house just doing things for myself. Feeling guilty about it of course but in between pangs of guilt I’m enjoying it thoroughly lol. That is sooo lame lol sometimes I…

  • Something worth fighting for.

    OHHHHHH my head is clogged. There are so many things going well and then other things that still are a bit messy to say the least. I’m studying about philanthropy on coursera … so naturally it’s making me think about what kind of things make me feel like getting up and doing something for good.…

  • ‘What I did for Love’

    Yesterday marked the 7th and final day of filming a piece entitled ‘What I did for Love’. This piece is about love and relationships. It’s about how everyone has to work hard or even fight to be with the person they love and it certainly does not discriminate against gender and/or sexual orientation. That is…

  • Taste the Rainbow

    Think about this… When was the last time you painted a rock? If ever? When was the last time you just did something fun and silly, the last time you played pretend and really let your imagination run wild. Do you take the time to let the young spirit in you have a little fun…

  • Matcha Lattes for the win!

    I have to say … I wasn’t sure about this milky green colored hot drink… but I think I’m sold. An article came up on Lovin Dublin a couple of months ago about these amazing matcha lattes that are the latest and greatest. I read it and I was like hmm… one day I need…

  • I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day

    I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day

    I’m pretty positive that I’m a glass half full kinda gal. It’s obviously not an absolute thing, can’t be a ray of sunshine all the time, BUT even if you can’t… there are still days. Days like today are the definition of sunshine on a cloudy day. Allow me to explain. I was expecting something…

  • We need to talk.

    We need to talk.

    ^^^ RIGHT THOUGH? Can I get an amen please? I know what you’re thinking. That I’m going to go and rant about how utterly awful that phrase is and what’s worse is usually what comes after it. Well that is all true. But we already know all of that! Usually (more often than not) that phrase…

  • So what’s in a job?

    So what’s in a job?

    How does the word job make you feel? ::cries a little:: I knowwww you know what I’m talking about! Most people do unfortunately. But that is because a job has become a means to an end. It’s something you do to make money so you can have money to live and do the things you…

  • An Ode to 20-somethings

    We are young and resilient! NOW is the time to travel the world, to make a change, to learn about different cultures and prepare. – Bianca Paige Smith  It’s a funny thing… being a 20-something. Extended adolescence they say… I think NOT. 30 is the new 20… couldn’t be more wrong. What do “they” know…

  • Biggest fear? Water. Where I need to be most? Water.

    Makes no sense, I know. You asked though- beach, mountain, forest or somewhere else? Near the water. That is my answer. Natureeeee I need youuuuuuu, I need to be in nature to feel connected to this crazy world. Is that a “hippie” thing to say? Long hair don’t care is what I say. I guess…