Tag: imagination

  • I’m just a dreamer

    Just this morning I had the most vivid dream I’ve had in a while. I’ll tell you about one that I always have and then I’ll tell you this mornings because that is more detailed. Here is my recurring saga- All of a sudden I’m running. I don’t know where I’m running to but I…

  • She doesn’t mind.

    There once was a time where every single song reminded me of that time. Of that place. When I left Dublin the first time I was heartbroken. I had never had an experience like that in my life before. I had fallen so deeply in love with the place (and a particular person) without even…

  • I’ve been cooking up a storm!

    OH mannnnnnnn have I been cooking up a storm. Since #whatididforlove is over with now, I’ve been spending a lot of time hanging around the house just doing things for myself. Feeling guilty about it of course but in between pangs of guilt I’m enjoying it thoroughly lol. That is sooo lame lol sometimes I…

  • The Story Of My Life

    The Story Of My Life

    Everyone has to fight to be with the one they love, there is no need to make it a legal battle as well. – If you are in Ireland VOTE YES on May 22nd – And so it begins, the tale of the experience that changed my life. I’ve had to work my buns off and…

  • Taste the Rainbow

    Think about this… When was the last time you painted a rock? If ever? When was the last time you just did something fun and silly, the last time you played pretend and really let your imagination run wild. Do you take the time to let the young spirit in you have a little fun…