Tag: friends

  • Matcha Lattes for the win!

    I have to say … I wasn’t sure about this milky green colored hot drink… but I think I’m sold. An article came up on Lovin Dublin a couple of months ago about these amazing matcha lattes that are the latest and greatest. I read it and I was like hmm… one day I need…

  • I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day

    I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day

    I’m pretty positive that I’m a glass half full kinda gal. It’s obviously not an absolute thing, can’t be a ray of sunshine all the time, BUT even if you can’t… there are still days. Days like today are the definition of sunshine on a cloudy day. Allow me to explain. I was expecting something…

  • We need to talk.

    We need to talk.

    ^^^ RIGHT THOUGH? Can I get an amen please? I know what you’re thinking. That I’m going to go and rant about how utterly awful that phrase is and what’s worse is usually what comes after it. Well that is all true. But we already know all of that! Usually (more often than not) that phrase…

  • An Ode to 20-somethings

    We are young and resilient! NOW is the time to travel the world, to make a change, to learn about different cultures and prepare. – Bianca Paige Smith  It’s a funny thing… being a 20-something. Extended adolescence they say… I think NOT. 30 is the new 20… couldn’t be more wrong. What do “they” know…

  • As the sun hits your face

    Yesterday I went for a walk with my love, we went to this park nearby. I’ve walked through this park about a dozen times, but I’d never explored the top left corner of it so I decided we should walk through there. It was finally a warm gorgeous sunny day here… haven’t seen one of…

  • How do you describe happiness?

    How do you describe happiness?

    “I fell in love with you, not for how you look, but for who you are… and I will do anything to be with you.” I read that first part somewhere… and then added on the last bit to make it fit perfectly to tell the story of what has come to be one of…



    OH MY GOODNESS… OHHHHH wow. How has it been SO LONG. I do adore writing. I really do. But there are certain things- only a few of them, that allow me to really llllliiiiiveeee and explore my life and myself. Here they are: Dancing Painting/drawing Writing Baking BUTTTTT, I’ve always known this, butttttt I can’t…

  • Feeling lost… sitting on the sun.

    I just feel like I’ve given up. But how can I fight for something that has been trying so hard to get away from me to begin with? I feel lost in this big huge world. There are so many people and many of them are trying to make it and sometimes to make a…

  • You know that feeling?

    What is it that gives you the best feeling? For me it’s performing on stage. It is such a rush. I absolutely love it. It feels like… I don’t know like everyone there has been waiting to see me and they are there for me. When I look out into the audience (if the lights…

  • Time= Gold.

    What is really important to you in this day and age? Let’s be honest with ourselves here. If Kim Kardashian or Justin Beiber favorited your tweet or better yet, retweeted you, would your life be made? If you posted up a photo on Instagram and it got hundreds of likes, would that be the “best…