Tag: family

  • Finally… a second to breathe!

    Blahhh… Since the end of July my life has been CRAZY. It has been so busy! I can’t even get over it. Today…after this weekend I feel like I finally have had a bit of a chance to breathe and have some fun! I’ve been doing lots of fun things… but I felt so crazy…

  • Read me – I’m meant for you if you want me.

    Touch a life today. About a week and a half ago- on the way to rehearsals with the amazing UCD Dance Society Irish Dancing Crew, we came across this lovely note that was just waiting for someone to open it. So naturally, I opened it and read it. Well let me just tell you ……

  • Who says you can’t do that?

    Did you know today is Blog Action Day? Join bloggers from around the world and write a post about what inequality means to you. Have you ever encountered it in your daily life? Quite simply it means this- Joe has 5 apples and Paul has 3. So that is inequality. Joe has more apples- most would…

  • An extra hour to … SLEEP?!

    Good news — another hour has just been added to every 24-hour day (don’t ask us how. We have powers). How do you use those extra sixty minutes? Nooooo… I thought about it. But no. After my last rant it makes sense that if I had an extra hour in each day that I would just…

  • I have so much to say

    I have so much to say

    I just have so much to say. I am feeling super reflective lately because I am finally realizing just how much I love the life I have made here in Dublin. I’ve always loved it here… but mannnn this is unbelievable. I am also extremely happy that I have finally found a place and a…

  • Security in doing things that take a long time

    Security in doing things that take a long time

    I swear… from that moment I was determined to get to where I am today. When, on that dreadful day – February 5th 2013- I ended up in the ER with a torn achilles tendon, I knew I was on the beginning of a verrryyyyy long journey. The first ten days felt the longest. By…

  • Let your thoughts flow.

    Our free-write is back by popular demand: today, write about anything — but you must write for exactly ten minutes, no more, no less. What did I get myself into? I have been running around like a madwoman all week! This week was auditions for UCD Dance Society and they asked me to teach the hip…

  • What have I been eating lately?

    What have I been eating lately?

    So a couple of months ago, a really fabulous blog called Lovin’ Dublin came out with a list of the 150 Best things to Eat and Drink in Dublin. The list is phenomenal. PHE NO MEN AL. So I decided that when I can help it, which is almost always, I will only go to a…

  • Sometimes Lucky Feels Yucky.

    Sometimes Lucky Feels Yucky.

    This August has been one of the most amazing months of my life. This life has been amazing in general if I think about it. But back to August. I started off with Take the Floor, an amazing 2 weeks filled with rehearsals, dancing, and 3 shows that confirmed for me how much I love…