Tag: escape

  • Time= Gold.

    What is really important to you in this day and age? Let’s be honest with ourselves here. If Kim Kardashian or Justin Beiber favorited your tweet or better yet, retweeted you, would your life be made? If you posted up a photo on Instagram and it got hundreds of likes, would that be the “best…

  • OH mann my brain is trying to KILL ME.

    I haven’t seen the sun in days. I’ve been in the house since Sunday. Apart from a quick trip to the doctor and the pharmacy on Monday. I have been completely knocked out. I’ve slept as much as I can because standing up gives me that funny kind of feeling. You know that sit down-stand…

  • Sick in bed… what to do but write?

    Sick in bed… what to do but write?

    14 Bottles of wine. 7 girls. Two nights. You do the math. Lying here sick in bed… listening to an 8 tracks playlist called Reflections. So appropriate. I’m so sick I’ve been knocked on my buns and all I have been able to do is lie here with my thoughts and myself and my Netflix.…

  • Finally… a second to breathe!

    Blahhh… Since the end of July my life has been CRAZY. It has been so busy! I can’t even get over it. Today…after this weekend I feel like I finally have had a bit of a chance to breathe and have some fun! I’ve been doing lots of fun things… but I felt so crazy…

  • Read me – I’m meant for you if you want me.

    Touch a life today. About a week and a half ago- on the way to rehearsals with the amazing UCD Dance Society Irish Dancing Crew, we came across this lovely note that was just waiting for someone to open it. So naturally, I opened it and read it. Well let me just tell you ……

  • An extra hour to … SLEEP?!

    Good news — another hour has just been added to every 24-hour day (don’t ask us how. We have powers). How do you use those extra sixty minutes? Nooooo… I thought about it. But no. After my last rant it makes sense that if I had an extra hour in each day that I would just…

  • I have so much to say

    I have so much to say

    I just have so much to say. I am feeling super reflective lately because I am finally realizing just how much I love the life I have made here in Dublin. I’ve always loved it here… but mannnn this is unbelievable. I am also extremely happy that I have finally found a place and a…

  • Security in doing things that take a long time

    Security in doing things that take a long time

    I swear… from that moment I was determined to get to where I am today. When, on that dreadful day – February 5th 2013- I ended up in the ER with a torn achilles tendon, I knew I was on the beginning of a verrryyyyy long journey. The first ten days felt the longest. By…

  • Let your thoughts flow.

    Our free-write is back by popular demand: today, write about anything — but you must write for exactly ten minutes, no more, no less. What did I get myself into? I have been running around like a madwoman all week! This week was auditions for UCD Dance Society and they asked me to teach the hip…

  • Walking along the Dublin seafront

    Walking along the Dublin seafront

    How can you beat that^?! The photo honestly doesn’t even do it justice, but yesterday’s walk along the Clontarf seafront was so nice. I was just itching to go out and do something yesterday. I’ve been feeling like I haven’t been using my free time to actually dooooo anything. So yesterday it all came to…