Tag: dublin

  • What have I been eating lately?

    What have I been eating lately?

    So a couple of months ago, a really fabulous blog called Lovin’ Dublin came out with a list of the 150 Best things to Eat and Drink in Dublin. The list is phenomenal. PHE NO MEN AL. So I decided that when I can help it, which is almost always, I will only go to a…

  • The Whites of Your Eyes

    The Whites of Your Eyes

    I’m still thinking … all I do is think all day! It’s a blessing and a curse. Anyway, yesterday’s Daily Post prompt got me thinking about what cause I am passionate about. So I had to think about it for a minute, because I can’t really say that a particular cause has been a significant part of…

  • Balance and Power

    That single solitary flower among all of those bushes and leaves. Well talk about power imbalance am I right?! Who has all the power? The flower because he’s so strong he seems to be the only one who survived in that little area? Or the greens because they have taken over. Either way … No…

  • It feels like starting from scratch.

    It feels like starting from scratch.

    I’m not that new to wordpress. I use it for my job, so it feels pretty familiar at this point. But I have to say, starting this new blog really does feel like starting from scratch. My other two blogs had such clear purpose. And a defined audience. I don’t live like that anymore. I…

  • Sometimes Lucky Feels Yucky.

    Sometimes Lucky Feels Yucky.

    This August has been one of the most amazing months of my life. This life has been amazing in general if I think about it. But back to August. I started off with Take the Floor, an amazing 2 weeks filled with rehearsals, dancing, and 3 shows that confirmed for me how much I love…

  • A Place to Remember

    A Place to Remember

    I am in love with this new design I have created and it feels perfect for where I am in my life now. I will be sad to leave my new groove blog behind but it’s time. It is time because I feel like I was using beesnewgroove to pull me out of a dark…