Tag: dance

  • I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day

    I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day

    I’m pretty positive that I’m a glass half full kinda gal. It’s obviously not an absolute thing, can’t be a ray of sunshine all the time, BUT even if you can’t… there are still days. Days like today are the definition of sunshine on a cloudy day. Allow me to explain. I was expecting something…

  • Biggest fear? Water. Where I need to be most? Water.

    Makes no sense, I know. You asked though- beach, mountain, forest or somewhere else? Near the water. That is my answer. Natureeeee I need youuuuuuu, I need to be in nature to feel connected to this crazy world. Is that a “hippie” thing to say? Long hair don’t care is what I say. I guess…

  • How do you describe happiness?

    How do you describe happiness?

    “I fell in love with you, not for how you look, but for who you are… and I will do anything to be with you.” I read that first part somewhere… and then added on the last bit to make it fit perfectly to tell the story of what has come to be one of…

  • Feeling lost… sitting on the sun.

    I just feel like I’ve given up. But how can I fight for something that has been trying so hard to get away from me to begin with? I feel lost in this big huge world. There are so many people and many of them are trying to make it and sometimes to make a…

  • You know that feeling?

    What is it that gives you the best feeling? For me it’s performing on stage. It is such a rush. I absolutely love it. It feels like… I don’t know like everyone there has been waiting to see me and they are there for me. When I look out into the audience (if the lights…

  • Time= Gold.

    What is really important to you in this day and age? Let’s be honest with ourselves here. If Kim Kardashian or Justin Beiber favorited your tweet or better yet, retweeted you, would your life be made? If you posted up a photo on Instagram and it got hundreds of likes, would that be the “best…

  • OH mann my brain is trying to KILL ME.

    I haven’t seen the sun in days. I’ve been in the house since Sunday. Apart from a quick trip to the doctor and the pharmacy on Monday. I have been completely knocked out. I’ve slept as much as I can because standing up gives me that funny kind of feeling. You know that sit down-stand…

  • If you let it shine, you can free your mind.

    LIGHTBULB. Absolute lightbulb went off in my head this morning. I have been listening to this song- Sober by Childish Gambino– for a few months now and it is such a jam. Sometimes I get stuck on songs just because and other times… it’s because they are meant to teach me something. I still remember…

  • Finally… a second to breathe!

    Blahhh… Since the end of July my life has been CRAZY. It has been so busy! I can’t even get over it. Today…after this weekend I feel like I finally have had a bit of a chance to breathe and have some fun! I’ve been doing lots of fun things… but I felt so crazy…

  • Who says you can’t do that?

    Did you know today is Blog Action Day? Join bloggers from around the world and write a post about what inequality means to you. Have you ever encountered it in your daily life? Quite simply it means this- Joe has 5 apples and Paul has 3. So that is inequality. Joe has more apples- most would…