I read this line earlier – ‘mornings are about renewal.’ WELL. It’s like that line was written right when I woke up this morning because for the first time in a while I had the morning to do whatever I wanted in that moment and it felt so great. I spent an hour and a half in the studio doing the things I wanted to do. Not just practicing, not working on my solo, just doing what I wanted to do. And I thought… now that is the way to live the day.
Happy lives are built on happy days.
Happy lives are built on happy DAYS. Happy moments even! I know I recently spoke about being present. But there is some next level shtuff happening now for me and it has to do with being present and making choices at the same time. I am choosing to do the things that light me up. To be around the people who light me up. To smell the flowers. Literally (thanks M&E you know who you are). I am choosing to actively build happy days by living happy moments.
Now… before we all get overwhelmed (and go into Bob the builder mode)… Can we do it? YES. We can. But the finesse of my thought here is this… avoid getting carried away. Do this by remaining truly truly present. Each moment goes by in the snap of a finger. So all you need to worry about is that moment. What can you do in THIS particular moment to build a happy day?
Look up. See the sun. Look out. Taste the rainbow. Pause. Take a breath. Hug a friend. Kiss a loved one. Scratch an itch for goodness sake! Whatever it is in this moment that lights you up, even the slightest bit, is the path to a happy life.
They always say – all we have is now. Have you heard that? Well listen its true. Corny but true. So right now. Now now now now … live a happy moment.
All of those moments will add up. And this is living.
Talk soon
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