Tag: photography

  • I miss this…

    Well here I am again! I love writing but I still feel like I haven’t figured this out. Blogging turns me off every once in a while, every time I’m too afraid of what I have to say. But since I’ve gotten home, and particularly since this trip, I have been becoming.         …

  • The Story Of My Life

    The Story Of My Life

    Everyone has to fight to be with the one they love, there is no need to make it a legal battle as well. – If you are in Ireland VOTE YES on May 22nd – And so it begins, the tale of the experience that changed my life. I’ve had to work my buns off and…

  • ‘What I did for Love’

    Yesterday marked the 7th and final day of filming a piece entitled ‘What I did for Love’. This piece is about love and relationships. It’s about how everyone has to work hard or even fight to be with the person they love and it certainly does not discriminate against gender and/or sexual orientation. That is…

  • Emerald Isle of Enchantment: Ireland

    I have been living in Ireland over a year. I feel so comfortable in this place that I think I forget to look at it. I spent an afternoon a couple of weeks ago in Bray, Co. Wicklow, then this afternoon in Roscam, Co. Galway. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I actually opened them to…

  • Matcha Lattes for the win!

    I have to say … I wasn’t sure about this milky green colored hot drink… but I think I’m sold. An article came up on Lovin Dublin a couple of months ago about these amazing matcha lattes that are the latest and greatest. I read it and I was like hmm… one day I need…

  • I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day

    I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day

    I’m pretty positive that I’m a glass half full kinda gal. It’s obviously not an absolute thing, can’t be a ray of sunshine all the time, BUT even if you can’t… there are still days. Days like today are the definition of sunshine on a cloudy day. Allow me to explain. I was expecting something…

  • Hideaway #hideaway

    Sometimes this life can just get to be too much for me. So I write about it. I can’t share all the things I write with you though, because they are intimate in a way. They are a huge part me in the sense that they represent the inner workings of my mind. They are…