Tag: nature

  • Parables of B – Recurring Dreams

    I’m feeling overwhelmed today. It was such a high this morning and now I feel like I’m on such a low. Too much. Too much too much, too too much. So I turned to the screen in a different way – turning to the screen in an internal way – this is the only form…

  • To the beach

    Some days I wake up and I have a lot on my mind- I wonder about what happened during my sleep. I can’t remember my dreams usually but I feel like my body remembers. So then my mental activity is quite … high. And today was one of those days. I woke up and felt…

  • I’ve been cooking up a storm!

    OH mannnnnnnn have I been cooking up a storm. Since #whatididforlove is over with now, I’ve been spending a lot of time hanging around the house just doing things for myself. Feeling guilty about it of course but in between pangs of guilt I’m enjoying it thoroughly lol. That is sooo lame lol sometimes I…

  • Taste the Rainbow

    Think about this… When was the last time you painted a rock? If ever? When was the last time you just did something fun and silly, the last time you played pretend and really let your imagination run wild. Do you take the time to let the young spirit in you have a little fun…

  • Emerald Isle of Enchantment: Ireland

    I have been living in Ireland over a year. I feel so comfortable in this place that I think I forget to look at it. I spent an afternoon a couple of weeks ago in Bray, Co. Wicklow, then this afternoon in Roscam, Co. Galway. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I actually opened them to…

  • I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day

    I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day

    I’m pretty positive that I’m a glass half full kinda gal. It’s obviously not an absolute thing, can’t be a ray of sunshine all the time, BUT even if you can’t… there are still days. Days like today are the definition of sunshine on a cloudy day. Allow me to explain. I was expecting something…

  • Hideaway #hideaway

    Sometimes this life can just get to be too much for me. So I write about it. I can’t share all the things I write with you though, because they are intimate in a way. They are a huge part me in the sense that they represent the inner workings of my mind. They are…